Internal medicine, American health care, and especially medical education


Even more on the malpractice web site

Thanks for all the comments. As I have thought through the issues, I would like to be more explicit in my dislike of the web site.

My problem relates to diagnostic test performance. Of all the people (lawyers, unethical testifying physicians, and litigious patients) that one might conceivably like to exclude from ones practice, they would all be there. However, many people on the list do not deserve the scorn that one would give to anyone on the list. Thus, the list is sensitive, but not specific.

This listing sets a danger precedent. I am against similar lists of physicians have been sued, for exactly the same reason.

If one could look at each case, and classify the lawyer, testifying physician and patient as legitimate or not, then they might have a decent argument. However, in the absence of complete information this list does not meet my fairness test.

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