Internal medicine, American health care, and especially medical education


An observation on the MOC debates

I have both publicly and privately criticized the former MOC process. Along with my colleagues we urged major changes in the process. When ABIM published their apology, I publicly praised them for understanding that they needed a major overhaul of their process.

Whenever I write anything positive about either ABIM or MOC as a concept, the same critics provide the same comments. If you go to the ABIM Google page, you see the same critics and the same, incredibly repetitive comments. We have heard your concerns, and the repetitive nature of your comments actually is harming your effectiveness.

Writing often and strongly is not advancing the discussion. เว็บหวย บาทละ 100 Several friends of this blog have asked me if I wear Kevlar while writing.

We need less hyperbole and different people commenting. We need to hear from the entire community.

So I am asking the same old group (you know who you are) to refrain from responding to this one blog post. I am inviting all the lurkers to give an opinion. Can you imagine a credible MOC? Do you accept ABIM’s apology?

Please refrain from ad hominem attacks.

I have never questioned the integrity of the ABIM leadership and board. My colleagues and I have disagreed on some fundamental assumptions about the process, but do believe that a healthy process could help us provide better care.

Please consider carefully what I have written. I will erase comments from the usual suspects for this one post only.

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