Internal medicine, American health care, and especially medical education


Making oral narcotics non-abusable

Physicians are damned if we underprescribe narcotics to pain patients, and damned if we prescribe to those who abuse drugs. Some pharmaceutical companies are trying to make oral narcotics effective, yet not abusable. Drug Makers Hope to Kill the Kick in Pain Relief

Cooperating closely with government officials and pain specialists, the companies are educating doctors, rewriting warning labels and tracking pills as they move from pharmacy to patient.

They are also reformulating pills with added ingredients. One combination blocks euphoria. Another produces a nasty burning sensation.

So we may soon see effective oral pain control without the option of using the pills in alternate ways. This is good news for pain control. We need the ability to prescribe without worrying about the possibility that we are contributing to drug abuse. These pills will help those patients who really need pain relief.

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