Internal medicine, American health care, and especially medical education


About db Medrants

db is the nickname for Dr. Robert M. Centor. db stands both for Dr. Bob and da boss. Thus, my golfing buddies nicknamed me db (for Dr. Bob) and my colleagues also nicknamed me db (for da boss). I am an academic general internist at the University of Alabama School of Medicine.  Recently I retired (or semi-retired) and became Professor-Emeritus.  I still make rounds at the Birmingham VA (3.5 months per year) and go to the Huntsville campus to round with students and residents 10 weeks each year). This blog represents my thoughts and in no way represents any of my employers.

On May 19th, 2002 I started this blog. I had become fascinated with the concept of blogging. Prior to starting this blog, I played with a non-medical blog. One day I stumbled upon Medpundit, and immediately thought that I would enjoy creating my own medical blog – hence db’s Medical Rants. The tenor of the blog has changed over time. Originally, I did much more linking and less philosophizing. Over the years I seem to enjoy writing short essays. My opinions are my own. I hope that I make readers think. Many readers write comments either when they agree or disagree. I find that interaction healthy. Thanks for visiting my personal place to rant and pontificate.

To contact db:  [email protected]

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