Internal medicine, American health care, and especially medical education


A jaundiced man

Here is a puzzle for you to consider.  One of my residents told me that I needed to post more clnical problems.

Patient is  28-year-old white male with new jaundice.  His only significant medical history is a 6-month history of grand mal seizures with a normal head CT.

He has noticed pale stools and dark urine for 3 days.  He complains of epigastric pain.

Social history – previous work as an EMT ambulance worker. Had significant blood exposure 6 months ago (saved the life of a woman who jumped out of window).

His exam was remarkable for jaundice and a slightly enlarged liver.

Lab tests:

Normal CBC, normal basic metabolic panel

Liver tests
Destruction Obstruction Factory
AST 966 alk phos 188 albumin 3.9
ALT 1784 T. Bili. 7.5 INR 1.1






Direct bilirubin – 5.8

Your job:

construct a differential diagnosis and make your best guess for the correct answer.  We do know the answer.

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