My top post of all time addresses this question – Why become a doctor?
I received a recent email from a 20 year old college student who asked me about this issue. As I have pondered this email, I searched for the proper words. Readers know that I love being a physician. But this student asked a different question. The problem is the classic one for all who go to medical school – can you and should you delay gratification of need?
Going to medical school and doing residency delays adolescence. You stay a student for your entire 20s. Looking back from age 60 this decision seems simple.
I enjoyed the last 2 years of medical school and my residency (readers know that I hated the first 2 years of medical school.) As a 60 year old, I guess that I missed out on my 20s – but did I really. What did I miss?
So here is my advice to 20 somethings. The 20s only represent 10 years of your life. You have many years after to work and contribute.
As a physician I still feel vibrant at age 60. I still make an important contribution to patient care. I still influence students and residents.
I wake in the morning, look in the mirror and have a sense of purpose.
At age 60 I am not worried about employment. I make a decent living – although have many friends (non-physicians) who make much more money. I like working – and sometimes wonder if it is really work.
So my simple advice is that medicine is worth it – not for riches – but for the work. Helping patients feels good every time.
I would always argue that the trade-off in your 20s is paid in multiples.