Internal medicine, American health care, and especially medical education


ABG dilemma discussed

This is a classic ABG sequence:

ABG Admission (on 2 L O2) Day 2 (Bipap 100%)
ABGs on successive days
pH 7.28 7.52
pCO2 89 52
pO2 60 373
HCO3 42 42








Your tasks are to understand and explain the course of events for this woman having a COPD exacerbation.


1. What is the initial acid-base disorder?

The patient has a chronic respiratory acidosis with metabolic compensation.  I cannot remember the calculations, so I found a calculator online.


2. What is the second day disorder?

This disorder goes by the name post-hypercapnic metabolic alkalosis.  I sometimes use the phrase “revealed metabolic alkalosis”.  It occurred because the patient had an appropriate compensation for a chronic respiratory acidosis, and then we successfully improved ventilation – lowering the pCO2  faster than the kidneys can adjust.

3. What would you do now?

We gave the patient acetazolamide to lower the HCO3 .  Here are the subsequent ABGs:



ABG Day 3 5 hrs later Day 4
ABGs on successive days
pH 7.63 7.41 7.36
pCO2 40 59 62
pO2 56 83 74
HCO3 42 37 35








We give the acetazolamide to add stimulation to ventilation.

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