We have had spirited discussion concerning the role of hospitalists vis-a-vis other specialists and sub-specialists. I hope to provide a logical supportable guide for admitting to a hospitalist service.
- Patient admitted from an outpatient office with a relationship with the hospitalist group (usually general internist or family physician)
- Patient admitted from the emergency department with a medical problem or several medical problems
- Patient admitted for a surgical procedure that requires complex medical stabilization (e.g., hip fracture patient with CHF and COPD)
Hospitalists are fully trained physicians (usually internists) who specialize in the hospital care of sick, complex patients. They are not social workers or counselors. They are not history/physical scut monkeys. They are not discharge dictation specialists.
Hospitalists are very valuable to a hospital. They work on quality and safety improvement. They can and want to care for the most complex patients. They should be used appropriately and not abused.
Hospitalists are not “R7s”. Do not think of them in that way. They are not there to make life easier for other physicians; they are there to care for complex medical patients.