Internal medicine, American health care, and especially medical education


What explains blogging longevity? #10yrsblog

I started this blog May 19th, 2002.  Explaining longevity is subjective.  Mostly, I like blogging.  I find it fun to put my ideas into words.  Some have asked me how I get so many ideas.  I read other blogs, some journals, the NY Times Health section and I see patients.  Ideas come from all those and more.  Sometimes an idea comes from a conversation that I have with a friend.

Many of my ideas repeat, after all how many different subjects do we have to address.  But even with an old idea one can find a new angle.  I try to do that regularly.

I vary topics from policy to medical education to clinical topics.  I do that because I find all of them interesting.

Basically I blog with myself in mind, and am gratified that others find my comments interesting.

Early, I was obsessed with daily blogging, now I will go a couple of days without blogging if life makes blogging difficult.  Still, I do find time most days.

Blogging is never a chore.  One cannot last 10 years doing a chore.  Rather this blog is my personal soapbox.  Thanks for gathering around while I scream at the injustices and praise the wonders of my most fortunate career.

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