Prepping intern notes
The idea is to list common chronic problems and specify information that an admission note should include.
Uncontrollable itching – the denouement
Few things in medicine are absolute. While most gallstones cause significant pain, this symptom’s sensitivity is less than 100%.
Uncontrollable itching – part II
As we heard the history we stopped, prior to hearing the exam and labs, and developed a differential diagnosis.
This man had uncontrollable itching – a case presentation in 3 parts – Part 1
During this time, he had lost 20 pounds because he had both nausea and some post-prandial vomiting. A physician had tried hydroxyzine, without any symptom relief.
Many medical nouns need adjectives
Without knowing the severity of disease we could easily fall into advancing theories that do not make sense.
Mystery fiction and being a better internist
If you have quotes from mystery writers that make important points, please share them with me and our readers.
The Fusobacterium story as of 2018 – a very long post
So in 2018 I still recommend empiric antibiotics based on the clinical presentation. As we study this infection further,
Why I love inpatient IM ward attending
Caring for patients is our calling. Teaching others to care well for their patients multiples our efforts.
Tips for IM attendings – Chapter 21 – make rounds a conversation
As I considered this framing of rounds this week, I wondered if writing these thoughts would help my colleagues.
The #5goodminutes project
So please provide some feedback – especially if you like some of the topics, or think some of the topics are not very helpful.