Physicians versus computers – the wrong question!!!
So the real question is how do we partner with artificial intelligence? We already partner with Dr. Google and Dr. Uptodate.
Tips for IM Attendings – Chapter 2 – Humility
The article emphasizes using both clinical judgment and guidelines, balancing evidence with individualized patient care.
Tips for IM Attendings – Chapter 2 – Humility
We all have the opportunity to develop hubris, as the health care environment often gives us too many opportunities to develop that trait.
In defense of medical societies – especially ACP
They plug away at the many problems your cite. They do not throw verbal Molotov cocktails, but ACP does make steady progress.
Incentives without forethought
We have to make this argument widely. If we understand the complexity herein, we have a responsibility to make these concepts well known.
Medical schools owe their students more
They need to understand that we are supporting them, and we do not expect them to know everything. Our job is to help them grow.
Pimping or grilling – students generally like being asked questions
I talk with students and residents constantly about their educational experiences. The great majority like being asked good questions.
Hubris – the enemy of high quality teaching and care
We run the risk of believing all the nice things people say about us. Some start believe their own invincibility.
Winston Churchill
If you have ten thousand regulations, you destroy all respect for the law
Physiology on the fly
Insurers increasingly use performance measurement (often mislabeled quality measurement) to impact physician pay.