What hinders patient physician time together
Our patchwork non-system does little to encourage good doctoring. And that should become the focus of all physicians.
Burnout in primary care – administrative burdens to blame
it is an increasingly common one. I am tired of hearing it. But do the perpetrators of this nonsense understand in any meaningful way?
Guidelines should rarely become rules
We need a more widespread accountability on performance measures. The ACP committee careful evaluates the context of proposed measures.
Guidelines should rarely become rules
The ACP committee careful evaluates the context of proposed measures. Why do other organizations not adopt this enlightened approach?
Growing anger at ABMS and MOC
In talking with colleagues across specialties, the frustration with these processes comes through from every direction.
Do regulations predispose to diagnostic errors?
Our patients deserve our full diagnostic attention. Unfortunately, we see too many diagnostic misadventures.
The weight loss project – my tips
Having now lost more than 30 pounds, I am very close to declaring victory (maybe a few more pounds over the next few months).
How to become an “old school” attending
It might be more difficult, but it is so important that we must adjust and give our patients the best trained physicians.
Leadership – to serve or to be served?
Most readers know that I have leadership responsibilities, both in my job and in my society work. Leadership comes with great responsibility.
Guidelines have consequences – intended and unintended
Some issues deserve multiple opinions. Trying to shoehorn this complexity into a precise guideline leads to unintended consequences.