Why do we have to provide an admitting diagnosis?
So what is the solution? We should delay labeling patients with diagnoses until we have enough information to assess a high probability.
New ACGME expectations for training programs
The expectations are reasonable, but we must have a broad discussion of how we best train clinical excellence given these constraints.
Why IPAB is a good idea
We need a group of independent experts to provide such decisions and the rationale for those decisions. IPAB is a good idea.
The debate over conflicting experts
As one reads the varying opinions in this debate, an understanding of the affect heuristic makes the debate transparent.
Performance measurement and the new cholesterol guidelines
We once gave estrogen to post-menopausal women to prevent heart disease, now we avoid them to prevent heart disease.
Greatly improved new statin guidelines – with one exception
Overall the panel deserves a strong B+. They could have received an A if they had not tried so hard to include large numbers.
What is paternalism?
My friend and ACP senior staff advocate on public policy – Bob Doherty – has a response to my recent blog post about political philosophy.
Why such differing opinions on the ACA?
The philosophical divide is deep. While the old system had losers, the new law creates different ones, impacting fairness and elections.
Dueling opinions on individual insurance cancellations
Reading the article should stimulate your thoughts. I would love to read your personal recollections of tough teachers and how they impacted your career.
Dueling opinions on individual insurance cancellations
I want this to work, but the individual cancellation story (started by investigative reporting at the LA Times) does bother me.