The many faces of a clinician
Despite having practiced medicine for over 30 years, I still continue to grow in my understanding of doctoring.
Money does matter in primary care choice
In Alabama we have a rural physician grant. This program, which pays for medical school, has helped us greatly.
The emergency medicine flame war
So please understand, some emergency physicians order too many CTs (probably not the flamers on this site).
#SGIM2011: Tweeting the Meeting: Why and How
Vinny Arora and I have written this piece for the 2011 SGIM meeting. We hope that you will follow the tweets and consider attending the meeting.
Why do we call complex comprehensive care primary?
We need to agree on a new nomenclature as the current nomenclature has perverted thought processes and therefore policy.
My latest workout playlist
My “Thanksgiving Revolution” actually started October 1 this year, and I am going strong, averaging at least 5 days per week.
My point exactly – what is an internist?
Perhaps that is how we can describe ourselves. This definitional problem continues to have an impact on our field. I wish it were not so.
Resistance to change & electronic records
I would go so far as to wish for one common EMR for the entire country. Patients would get better, less duplicative care.
Change marijuana laws – even Pat Robertson agrees
I have written many times about this topic. The rationale for criminal penalties for marijuana do not pass several tests.
Measuring value in health care
Perhaps accountable care organizations will be the answer to the question of how we can improve value. Perhaps …