Measuring value in health care
Perhaps accountable care organizations will be the answer to the question of how we can improve value. Perhaps …
Thoughts on the 3rd year of medical school
The article reflects on the transformative third year of medical school, where students shift from learning theory to engaging.
Eric Hoffer
What begins as a mass movement often devolves into a racket, cult, or corporation over time.
Rationing exists
This strategy is not a strategy of death panels. This strategy makes explicit that TANSTAAFL is an important concept.
Safety, quality and inadequate time – hat tip to Mt Doc
We will not solve either the quality problem, nor the safety problem if we do not devote enough time to each patient and each decision.
More thoughts on safety
We do need to improve safety. We can do that, and to argue otherwise seems disingenuous to this blogger.
Safety – what we should measure
That does mean physician order entry directly into a computer. We have an obligation to our patients’ safety.
Health care and the role of federal government
We will have continued strife in our debate because we cannot get the disparate sides to agree on the topic being debated.
Health care reform opponents do not understand each other
I suspect that I have not made this conflict as clear as I might, so more will come later this week after I receive comments and critiques.
A libertarian argument against DTC ads
The whistleblower disagrees with DTC ads, arguing that free speech does not justify harmful advertising and should not protect such content.