Internal medicine, American health care, and especially medical education


Pushback against Groopman

Megan McArdle and eSkeptic have written pieces implying that Groopman has missed an important point.

More on we

We have a steadily increasing number of physicians providing retainer medicine. This model succeeds because it fulfills patient needs.

What is malpractice?

Of course I would love to see a national system of health courts. I would love to see consistency. But then I am a dreamer.

A love letter to the VA EMR

We would clearly save money. Too often patients have expensive tests repeated because we cannot get the old results.

Made to stick

We should teach in layers. Make certain that the students understand basic science 101 before we work on 201.

What is a general internist?

I view general internal medicine as the specialty of complex care of adults. Our patients span inpatient, outpatient and nursing home.