Listen to Moof comment on the hospitalist movement
While this resides in the comments section, I believe the message is so valuable that it also belongs in the main area of the blog.
Why patients stop taking statins!
I was chatting at dinner the other night with some friends. Two of the men had stopped taking statins recently.
An IV ADH antagonist becomes available
Those familar with my teaching know that I get most excited when discussing acid base or electrolyte problems.
The messy factor
Our challenge is to live in a world of messiness and yet provide reasonable order. This challenge we relish.
A new look
I’ve revamped my blog with a cleaner, two-column theme. You can adjust colors. Let me know if any issues arise.
On Clinical Judgment
I have participated in research designed to measure one aspect of quality, i.e., adherence to known quality indicators.
Another example of the importance of clinical judgement
I will rant more on clinical judgment in the near future. This is the essence of excellence. The mystery is how we might measure it.
Tight control of diabetes matters
A 17-year study confirmed that tight blood sugar control in Type 1 diabetes can reduce heart attack and stroke risks by nearly 50%.
Medication equal to surgery for most GERD
AHRQ’s review finds medical treatment with certain drugs as effective as surgery for managing chronic GERD.
Why we should care about Topol and the Cleveland Clinic
They have had short term financial gains, but will probably lose in the long run. And that is the real story that grabs my attention.