More evidence on suppurative complications from Fusobacterium necrophorum tonsillitis
As the article documents, the epidemiology of FN pharyngitis, PTA and Lemierre Syndrome overlap almost perfectly.
If I were writing sore throat guidelines
If you suspect the Lemierre Syndrome, bedside ultrasound of the internal jugular vein should show the clot.
The neverending story – unintended consequences
We must all fight this battle every day. The lack of progress is frustrating, but we must not accept bad rules meekly.
Acid-base and Electrolyte thoughts from Core IM Episode #14
This patient story lends itself to various discussions. I hope this blog post is complementary to the podcast.
On podcasting
If you listen to our podcast, please provide some feedback. I want to make Annals On Call a “must listen” that expands your knowledge.
The value of schema
Our research and anecdotal experience both tell us that our learners are most interested in our thought processes.
The scope of diagnosis – some thoughts after attending #DEM2018
As a clinician educator, I often spend significant time with the students, interns and residents on such concerns.
Thoughts on a 23-year-old athlete dying from the Lemierre Syndrome
We must also educate patients and families that sore throats in adolescents and young adults can become life threatening.
Yes, price matters
Previous proposals have suggested allowing Medicare to negotiate prices. This idea has not gathered enough support previously.
Unintended consequences of health policies – heeding HL Mencken and Gary Klein
This problem invades health systems, hospitals, and independent practices. You can all contribute additional examples.