More on the Oregon case
It represents a fundamental principle. I hope the Supreme Court is principled and not like Groucho (see quotes on the left).
Previous writings on physician assisted suicide
The writer expresses moral concerns regarding Oregon’s assisted suicide law, discussing the ethical distinction between active and passive euthanasia.
The Supremes and physician assisted suicide
As I have written previously I am morally against physician assisted suicide. In my mind this action crosses an ethical line which troubles me.
Rejudging a medical marijuana case
The judge seemingly arbitrarily excludes information from the jurors. However, the judge then gives an extremely light sentence, aggravating the feds.
The Great Debate
Occasionally this blog provides me intellectual entertainment. Two weeks ago I blogged about the Vioxx settlement.
It could hurt
The article discusses the dangers of overprescribing antibiotics, using a humorous anecdote about chicken soup to highlight the issue.
An interesting perspective on the Vioxx damage award
This judgement (even when lowered) should get their attention. Hopefully the companies will develop some risk aversion. Our patients deserve that.
This made me laugh
Is the 4th year of medical school a waste?
So join the fight against high medical school tuition costs, but use the 4th year to your greatest advantage.
How do we avoid arrogance?
Now they do ask me medical questions from time to time, just like I ask them questions related to their business.