My suggested New Year’s resolution for physicians and patients
This should come as no surprise to regular readers. I admit to an exercise obsession. Each day I make plans to do something.
My descent into guideline fatigue syndrome (GFS)
My former resident and present colleague, Terry Shaneyfelt first authored Are Guidelines Following Guidelines?
More on sepsis
This story is a diagnostic nightmare. We have code sepsis that leads to automatic blood draws (for lactate) and emergency decision making.
The IDSA takes an admirable position in not endorsing the new Sepsis Guidelines
I believe that injudicious antibiotic use in the ICU represents the greatest danger for antibiotic resistance.
Ward attending notes to my younger self
Hopefully, these notes to myself will help some newly minted ward attendings. The job is quite difficult and multifaceted.
The Emperor of Performance has no clothes
Fortunately, physicians and researchers are finally focusing on this problem. Unfortunately, it is not clear that the Emperors are listening.
On setting achievable goals for behavior change
I know that this approach works. I hope that some readers will read this and start on their own behavior changing journey.
May physician targeted performance payment finally receive its death toll
We have made this point repeatedly for over 10 years. Yet, politicians and regulators seem enamored with “measuring quality”.
Thanksgiving Challenge 2017
For many years I set a Thanksgiving Challenge to myself. The goal was to lose weight between Thanksgiving and New Year’s.
When to give bicarbonate for metabolic acidosis – increased versus normal gap acidosis
Last week I posted a list of topics that we discussed during a 5 day period of rounding. I was asked to share my teaching points.