Why do we call complex comprehensive care primary?
We need to agree on a new nomenclature as the current nomenclature has perverted thought processes and therefore policy.
My point exactly – what is an internist?
Perhaps that is how we can describe ourselves. This definitional problem continues to have an impact on our field. I wish it were not so.
Resistance to change & electronic records
I would go so far as to wish for one common EMR for the entire country. Patients would get better, less duplicative care.
Change marijuana laws – even Pat Robertson agrees
I have written many times about this topic. The rationale for criminal penalties for marijuana do not pass several tests.
Measuring value in health care
Perhaps accountable care organizations will be the answer to the question of how we can improve value. Perhaps …
Thoughts on the 3rd year of medical school
The article reflects on the transformative third year of medical school, where students shift from learning theory to engaging.
Rationing exists
This strategy is not a strategy of death panels. This strategy makes explicit that TANSTAAFL is an important concept.
Safety, quality and inadequate time – hat tip to Mt Doc
We will not solve either the quality problem, nor the safety problem if we do not devote enough time to each patient and each decision.
More thoughts on safety
We do need to improve safety. We can do that, and to argue otherwise seems disingenuous to this blogger.
Safety – what we should measure
That does mean physician order entry directly into a computer. We have an obligation to our patients’ safety.