On blogging
He asks interesting and important questions. I would love to see a large number of comments to this post.
Public service announcement – beware of C diff
This NY Times article is worthwhile – for physicians and non-physicians alike – Stomach Bug Crystallizes an Antibiotic Threat
The dark side of Sermo and Medscape physician connect
The author is a former student (one month on the internal medicine wards.) He writes an important piece that we should all read.
On difficult patients
We must all make mistakes as we mature as physicians. We should improve our interactive skills and our tolerance with experience and practice.
The expense of end of life care
I object to doing things that have virtually no chance of helping the patient, and significant chance of harming the patient further.
My hopes for CER
I know many investigators who plan to apply for CER studies. I hope they try to design unbiased studies. I believe they will.
Comparative effectiveness research
As long as money is involved, industry will do their best to convince physicians and patients to spend more money for their profits.
Should we have preferred the devil we knew?
Now we just do not know what will happen. As usual, Bob Doherty places this political happening into perspective.
Teaching bedside manner
We (the universe of medical educators) have a responsibility to make bedside manner part of our everyday concerns.
Teaching bedside manner
We (the universe of medical educators) have a responsibility to make bedside manner part of our everyday concerns.