duh – money matters in specialty selection
Who will have the courage to make such changes? Do you see any bravery in the political arena? Do you imagine any bravery at CMS?
Treating the patient rather than the disease saves money
Palliative care physicians focus on the patient rather than the diseases – making them fit Osler’s definition of a great physician.
Scotland – last day
We fly back on Thursday, and yet I plan to play golf Saturday and Sunday. I will also try to work out those days.
Scotland Day#1
Landed at 10 a.m. in Edinburgh – drove straight to St. Andrews. We played the toughest of the St. Andrews courses today – Jubilee.
Going to play golf in Scotland
Our hotels have wireless internet, so I plan to continue blogging. For my own entertainment, I plan to blog about my golf trip.
Why become a physician
Why become a physician? Because it is the most enjoyable, meaningful and noble profession. I am proud and happy to be a physician.
Scientists are biased
Those who insist that we should always treat a number without understanding the patient’s context is demonstrating a pedantic attitude.
Medical school tuition
Should we hold the medical schools accountable for the high tuition? Why do you think medical school costs so much?
Should Lemierre’s Syndrome re-emergence change pharyngitis guidelines?
I especially thank the families of Lemierre’s syndrome victims. I think about them whenever I discuss this disease.
Championing an orphan disease – Lemierre’s syndrome
I want us to either totally prevent Lemierre’s or at least consistently diagnosis it soon enough to have no major morbidity or mortality.