Made to stick
We should teach in layers. Make certain that the students understand basic science 101 before we work on 201.
What is a general internist?
I view general internal medicine as the specialty of complex care of adults. Our patients span inpatient, outpatient and nursing home.
A very sad story and an important lesson
Having heard this patient presentation, I have a new question and caution whenever we consider the possibility of using linezolid.
Renal ammonia handling
This entry is my attempt to explain renal ammonia physiology. I hope a few readers will critique my attempt.
Race relations in Alabama – good news
I live in a suburb of Birmingham. When I moved to Alabama, I remember the looks that I received from friends and colleagues.
An iatrogenic cause of increased anion gap acidosis
This complication is a diluent side effect. Fortunately, patients respond to stoppin the infusion (and replacing its actions with another medication).
The unexpected lab results
I do not remember previously seeing obstructive uropathy cause an acidosis, so I wanted to document this story for myself.
What makes a great doctor?
I love the answers that both physicians and non-physicians have posted in response to my questions last week.
Nice story about Nexium
It warms my heart to read about this suit – U.S. Retailers Sue AstraZeneca Over Nexium Strategy
On Birmingham
Of the restaurants not mentioned I favor a small restaurant called Fire (the chef trained at Commander’s Palace in New Orleans).