Internal medicine, American health care, and especially medical education


The Art of Internal Medicine

I wonder if the majority of our citizens would favor their interpretation here. Hopefully the Supreme Court will not accept the case.

Q&A 14

We have often little incentive to accept an additional patient. Patient care is suffering – and ability to pay (while a factor) does not necessarily help one find a physician.

On knowledge translation

I hope the title did not lose you. Knowledge translation represents the missing link between publication and practice change.

More on David Bloom

This story remains tragic, but I hope that this rant has helped you understand why it happened. Understanding represents just a little solace.

Q&A 13

So ends another Q&A. As usual each Sunday I rant on those issues which strike me as controversial or otherwise interesting.

Q&A 12

I cannot answer your question – and my frustration is minimal compared to the frustration that you must have concerning this problem.

Q&A 11

Hopefully I can find some time again tomorrow. Keep the comments coming, it certainly makes this blog a lot more interesting!!!