Internal medicine, American health care, and especially medical education


Q&A 11

I hope everyone has a great week. Keep those comments coming – they certainly help focus my thinking and make this blog much better!!!

On warfarin

The key here as that a higher INR increases the probability of bleeding, and a lower INR increases the probability of clotting.

On the origin of rant

Will common sense receive its just rewards? I am not certain that common sense will work in political campaigns.

Q&A 10

Thanks again for the comments and questions. It is nice to know that my ranting induces comments and emails.

Q&A 9

Thanks again for the many comments and questions this week. You, the readers, make me think, keep me honest, and make this blog much better.

Q&A 8

Receiving these comments provides a great reward – it tells me that some readers really care about my rants. And that is a wonderful feeling!