Great summary on cervical cancer screening
Despite the excellent results we have achieved with routine Pap smears, we now can probably achieve even better results.
Evaluating Treatments: Challenges in Medical Practice
I disagree with their marketing tactics, and believe it my right and duty to point out their deficiencies.
Q&A 11
I hope everyone has a great week. Keep those comments coming – they certainly help focus my thinking and make this blog much better!!!
On warfarin
The key here as that a higher INR increases the probability of bleeding, and a lower INR increases the probability of clotting.
Evidence-Based Medicine: The Role of Data in Clinical Decisions
I recommend this question and answer session. Some physicians may want to print this to hand out to inquiring patients
On the origin of rant
Will common sense receive its just rewards? I am not certain that common sense will work in political campaigns.
Q&A 10
Thanks again for the comments and questions. It is nice to know that my ranting induces comments and emails.
Q&A 9
Thanks again for the many comments and questions this week. You, the readers, make me think, keep me honest, and make this blog much better.
Possible heal for carotid artery disease
One should hesitate at developing too much enthusiasm from a newspaper report. We need to read the articles.
Q&A 8
Receiving these comments provides a great reward – it tells me that some readers really care about my rants. And that is a wonderful feeling!