Internal medicine, American health care, and especially medical education


Bariatric surgery

I have cared for a number of patients who have had successful bariatric surgery. This is a major decision for patients.

Generic omeprazole

The first ACE inhibitor – captopril – has a shorter half life than the rest of the available class, and thus is more difficult to use.

Resist unnecessary antibiotics

As flu season arrives, patients demand antibiotics for upper respiratory infections, but doctors hesitate due to concerns over viral vs.

The problem with BMI

This article makes some interesting points about when we should not use BMI and discusses a better indicator of disease risk – body fat.

Physician Income

We need more side walks in the suburbs – they encourage walking at least. We should sponsor exercise training in schools.

Coding is impossible

This study is VERY important. We need to have this problem fixed – and quickly. I am certain the AMA will work towards that end.