MKSAP 16 on an iPad – a grand slam
The article highlights the MKSAP 16 iPad app as convenient, user-friendly, and helpful for improving medical study efficiency and access.
The message argues for revisiting the 1994 Dietary Supplement Act to prevent marketing unsafe supplements.
Change marijuana laws – even Pat Robertson agrees
I have written many times about this topic. The rationale for criminal penalties for marijuana do not pass several tests.
SOAP notes and 10 pt ROS – with a h/t @yejnes
Who developed the concept of 10pt ROS? Can we have a formal shunning procedure and ban that person from the academy?
Not news – dermatology is hot!
Internal medicine blends science and human interaction, but lifestyle and payment systems drive specialty choices.
The Comprehensive Benefits of Regular Exercise
One should always worry when someone uses hyperbole and obfuscation to make points. Scare Tactics Part II.
The Debate Over Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Surgery Safety
General surgeons should understand their limitations. As I read the article, apparently many surgeons do not understand.
Favorite lyrics
Nearly 7 million people have private medical insurance, 6 million are in health cash benefit plans, and 3.5 million trade union members.
Critical Thinking in Medicine
I have not ranted on this subject for a long time (malpractice, the insurance industry and the pharmaceutical industry kept getting in the way).
What are the problems with the Atkins diet?
The data speak. At least in the short run Atkins works for dramatic weight loss. I am glad the the NIH is studying the diet in a longer-term study.