Internal medicine, American health care, and especially medical education


Web articles

Take drug ads off the air – My USA Today editorial about DTC drug advertising

Pace Yourselves for a 4-year Hurdle Race – A Medscape article in which I write imaginary letters to students starting each year of medical school

On Millard, H pylori, and Great Cases – A Medscape article based upon a talk a gave at the class of 2009 White Coat Ceremony

April 2006: Point/Counterpoint on Pay for Performance
– A Medscape debate on pay for performance

Are Overweight Doctors a Problem for the Profession? : Physicians are Role Models – My contribution to the first Medscape Roundtable

How Can Physicians Stay Current on Prescription Drugs? – The second Medscape Roundtable

Could Disaster Conditions Ever Justify Euthanasia? – Another in the roundtable series

What Are the “Top 3” Changes Needed to Improve US Healthcare? – Another Medscape Roundtable

Evidence – an Input, Not an Answer – An article warning not to take EBM to extremes.

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